Vás Samúra
(one who walks the way)
young tree in blazing sun
frolicking birds chirping along
then silence come the night ~
The Seven Ways
The seven ways are a perspective on life, that will raise your energy levels by facing seven interdependent key elements and successively transform and refine their raw potential. Each way has its distinctive challenges that we engage with and then weave together into one unified experience. It leads to the way of being, the way of a Vás Samúra, a life of clear focus, meaning and dedication.
The ways are:
7) sannahea - the way of being
6) asen - the way of vision
5) anevran - the way of responsibility
4) ania - the way of love
3) tomo - the way of identity
2) tidúran- the way of prosperity
1) vina - the way of purpose
As we progressively unblock every way and allow the energy to rise, the flow accumulates simultaneously into the the way of being which encompasses all other ways. It is less about reaching the top, but rather about bringing vital energy into the heights of our consciousness so that the distilled essence can rain down again onto the planes of our other ways. The way of being is the complete experience of the separate and progressively unifying aspects of ourselves.
The other six ways can also be described as:
5) ~ 6) the way of the wind - where we balance the mind
4) ~ 3) the way of fire - where we balance the emotions
2) ~ 1) the way of the earth - where we balance the body
In the sessions specifically I will teach you how to open your mind and bring it to the areas in your body where your vital flow is blocked. This increases the space necessary to unclog and to use the heat of positive emotions to release the negative emotions that hold your vitality within your muscles. This creates more space whithin you and that increases the creative potential of your mind, while the balance of the emotions and the vitality of the body will allow the unobstructed manifestation of this potential.
7) the way of being
The way of being is the untity of all other ways. There is nothing to do or to work on here, it is the experience of the doing and the working. It is the space in which all the other ways unravel. When all elements of our life have been brought to balance then we are the enlightenment of life that carries itself.
1) the way of puropose
Here is the beginning of everything, the core of ourselves and our inherent desire to rise beyond our own gravity. It is a massive potential that is held back to form the foundation of life and to release itself as the force of creation and propel us on our idividual path. In this primordial chaos the primal forces fight for supremacy and through this stress and pressure they define the boundaries of their respective potential. There is no set identity here, here it is all breaking, grinding, smashing melting, scratching clawing, biting spitting... it is the core of the earth spewing magma from it's dense chambers, the baby kicking itself free from the egg and the sapling pushing itself through the earth to reach the warmth of the sun, this is the raw potential of something shaping itself into it's most rudimentory form. Here is the drive and the lust for life to fight it's way into freedom. This very phyiscal experience carves our sens of self out of the stones of the earth and we begin to make sense of the world.
This is about how we survive life so that we can live. From our human perspective, the way of purpose deals with the most existential themes, „how do I stay warm? where do I belong? How do I get food and what do I eat? Where can I rest, where can I grow? What are my natural talents and capabilities that I can use to ensure the continuity of my being and to prosper?
2) the way of prosperity
While the form around our core begins to cool down and stabilize and our different potentials begin to balance each other out we begin to develop a consciousnes of others. The consciousness of ourselves emerges from the stable patterns and rythms in the exitement of our senses and through this stability we can relate to other stable patters, other forms that develop cycles within their consciousness that demonstrate a continuity that is independent of us. Through the experience of another I also experience myself. The impressions of our senses define our boundaries as well as our connections. Without sense, without the experience of something touching our membranes there would be no exchange, only silence and the pressure of our inner yearning to feel something, to realease ourselves into that void.
Prosperity is the drive to transcend our physical limitations, as all form is temporary and to be stuck in it locks us into the hell of dying. Prosperity is the harmonisation with the other that emerges from the dance of our percpetion, a familiarity that we can orient ourselves towards and begin to merge with. This is where our children get born. Out of the synchronizity of two familiar patterns emerges a third one and continues the cycles of the essence of the parents, so that our drives may prosper.
This doesn't have to be literal children. It can be our lifes work, a company, a work of art, our name carved in stone. It is our deep yearning that something of us remains.
3) the way of identity
Here we really begin to talk about identity. The identity is not the self but the trajectory of the self through space and time, the path of the self through life. The self is our very core. Just like the core of the sun, it is something so undefineable that the whole universe can push itself into it wihtout ever being able to grasp it. In fact the birth of our universe was and is such an attempt. And yet it is not only absolutely real, the limitations around it's unlimited nature is what everything revolves around. Everthing has it's core, every galaxy, every planet, every cloud, every river, every stone, every grain of dust, every cell, molecule and subatomic particle. Everythings center dances around every other center and this creates the patterns and cycles of life. With the identity there is no search for the self, for the core of ones being but rather the drive to know where this core is heading towards, where the revolving pattern evolves to. The search for the self is the gravity of our center pulling us in. The search for prosperity is the strive to reach escape velocity so that we can look beyond our center to see where it came from so that we can see where we are going. In this newly developing awareness the central theme of the identity arises. Choice. The body that formed itself in the former paths now gains an increasing control over itself and it's environment and learns to change the direction of the moving parts. This may sound quite abstract but is even more abstract in our actual experience of identity. In theory you could move andwhere you wanted right now. In practice the knowledge you gained from your past informs you about the probable limitations of where you are able to go. That is why choice is such an elemental theme of the way of identity because it is the coice of joining others and to become part of their identity or to walk on your own and form your own identity that defines our future.
4) the way of love
This way is hugely influenced by the decisions made on the path of identity. Love is the process of unification (which means love happens between what is not united yet.) For those who get squirmy at the thought of love you can use warmth instead. Put a warm cup and a cold cup next to each other and the exchange of heat will balance out in an equlibrium. The moving parts have harmonized with each other and moved closer to their natural state of unity. Love itself is not warm, it is the exchange that we call love that transfers energy from one person to another until they are equal to each other that feels either warm or cold. Life happens as the seperate form that gathered around our self returns itself, returns the energy locked into its form back to the unified state of equlibrium. To prolong our state of existence we seekt to stay above zero so that in this exchange between something and nothing, between one and zero change can happen instead of just nothing. Here in this exchange lies the heart of things. The transcendent unity that incorporates everything and nothing lies in the seventh way and is already reached. The search is the dance of the polarities through the six ways and their true destination is not at the top but here at the heart of all forms, between the centers where the exchange happens. This is where we hug a hurt and cold loved one or get hugged by them until the differences dissolve and we are one. It doesn't require the spiritual enlightenment of the higher ways but the simple decision to open up to another and share the warmth.
However we will loose oursevles in that process. That is why the decisions made on the path of identity are so crucial here and at some point, once you've crossed the event horizon, nearly irreverseable. To open up to others gives you their reasources but it will cost you your identity. To remain yourself means you have to make due with less but you will have more independence.
5) the way of responsibility
Once your identity is set and your course is stable, the new path emerges in which you will have to deal with more responsibilites focused on either yourself or others. The stability of your own identity, wether in contrast or cooperation with others, allows you for a greater and greater reach beyond the confines of your direct experience. The wisdom that comes with a stable continous experience begins to bear its fruits as you can organize your own life and the life of other in expanding and sustainable ways, which in turn releases more space, time and energy to use and invest creatively. Here you begin to truly cement your legacy and shape the lifes of others as an overarching figure. Here you being to reach into fundamental archetypes and start to embody them, to shape them to your will.
6) the way of vision
This is the climax of the ascension that started in the first way. From the perspective of the first way, this journey upwards seems like a tree growing into the sky. You reach for higher and higher grounds, higher ways but the physical limitations make the source of our longing, the warmth of the sun that inspires your life, seemingly impossible to reach. So each way is explored for new resources, knowledge and wisdom, to find creative ways to transcend these limitations. The tree evolves metaphorical legs to wander the earth for solutions to the problems of the forst two parths, for relief from the constant pressure from within. Humanity as a whole is on the third path now, entering the fourth and thus learns to change their destiny. Learns to escape the gravity of their center through the choice of their own identity as something sperate from earth to become able to escape her gravity and reach into outer space. Still the core of the sun remains unreachable for the tender bodies of man and their delicate needs to remain in their fragile equilibrium. Bodies not made for the vastness outside of their home to far away from their heart. But a new perspective dawns on the third way, a new horizon opens up, a new space to explore both physically, emotionally and mentally. People rooted in the lower ways desire to leave earth and roam the skies with their bodies. People drawn to the fire of the middle ways find new inspiration or overwhelming emptiness in a void that will drown the tender flame of creation inside us in an instant. And people floating through the higher paths will found new stories and laws and build tools and fiction from it so that we can explore the physical and the emotions within more space.
With the half-step jump into the way of love the center of our gravity has changed fundamentaly. No longer are we growing up and away from our core but we become part of an infinite expansion into every direction at all times. Up and down vanishes into a confusion of weightlessness as we dive into the infite waters of space. Every way is now seen as a concentric circle, revolving around our center and our ascension is the excited jump into the next ring. Strong roots into the earth or within our own core are necesary to remain stable, as we loose our former identy in the fourth way and expand into the timeless beyond. What seemed like an ascension until the fourth path is now confused with heaven or hell as all paths begin to flow into each other infinitely.
Only here in the sixth way, the confusion begins to settle and and understanding starts to become clear. Here we become a god within ourselves, as we can use our powers and knowledge learned in the fifth way to shhape our own path within the endless space of our own mind in ever more creative ways. Humanity as a whole barely scrates the beginning of this plane but you as an individual being are able to reach this god realisation. Here we can use our dreams to split ourselves in two to recreate and learn the creative process. We create lack and abundance, a minus and a plus and with it we create a tension that moves the slumbering void to our will. It is the word of god that enlightens the darkness, as the wave of creation runs through the dark sees like the ray of the sun moves through the universe, chasing it's own tail in search of its own origin and exploring while simultaneously creating new shores.
It is here where the Searching itself that began in the tension of the first way regresses deeper and deeper into itself until at last! the crest overcomes the trough and the wave tumbles into itself. The weight of the glaring sun collapses into its core and all the pent up weight condenses into one infite point, breaking all laws of sense and sanity and physics and god to be spewed out into the purity of a new creation. The abundant lack of our core united with the lacking abundance of space merge into one and the waves fall silent for the divine to marvel at itself in the clear mirror. And here the journey begins anew, as the enarmoured god stretches out his hand to touch his own creation and, with the tip of his finger, sets the silent lake in motion.
the way of being
Life needs the wave, needs the play of the opposites, the exchange between abundance and lack. Life is that wave and to find our true center we need not aspire to reach the end, for the end marks just another beginning, we rather want to be at the heart of things. At all times the magic happens at the point of opening an closing, there we find the love we seek. Wether we master to retain our energy and face the gods as ourselves, experience the terrified awe as the immortals tug away our love to unite us with them, or wether we willingly throw all our love into the divine to experience their loving embrace and loose ourselves in the eternal fires of creation, it is here in the heart where all really matters. This is where we are what we are, and here where the sixth way makes the quantum leap out of the head into the nothing above whe experince the oneness in the two. Where two are one and one is two and everything and nothing is...
Welcome to life =)