what is sannahea?
sannahea is a cloud...
dozing in the summer sky...
it is sleep dropping from tired eyes and
the dawn gently stroking yawning cheeks,
while autumn leaves gleefully reach for a beckoning ground.
It is children twirling through fields of gold
and parents and grandparents watching them with wanting eyes.
sannahea is uncharted space for us to venture into, to face dragons and demons,
beauty and wonder.
It is a place where we find treasure and bring it back home,
to our earth and hearth.

your life is your life.
Deep in the core of every cell of your being is pure divinity.
It's breathing and dreaming, loving and dancing, it's longing for a life with wind in your hair and fire in your heart.
A beauty that radiates trough every word you say and every step you take.
It's an adventure to uncover more of yourself, to witness your inherent majesty
and watch it take root in the most mundane parts of your life.
Do you want to take it?
Who am I?
Listen to the silence between my words,
what I am is a dance of dreams, waking in the depths of our being
only to fade like the taste of
or the kiss of a sparkling wine.
A fresh breeze, a soft tremble in our souls...
gone with the moment, into the unknown lands behind the horizon of time.
And what remains is a yearning,
a deep deep yearning,
in this heart of mine.